Raised by back-to-the-landers, he scoured the US in a camper
van, seeking out people who have gone further than his parents
Lucas Foglia,
who is 29 and looks 19, grew up on a farm on Long Island just 30 miles from
Manhattan. His parents were part of the post 1960s "back-to-the land"
movement, fired up on the writing of self-sufficiency pioneers such as Helen
and Scott Bearing and Wendell Berry. By the time Foglia reached
adolescence, the woods and fields around the farm had become suburbanised, but
his parents continued to grow and preserve their own food, and to barter with
other self-sufficient families throughout the area.
Having graduated from Yale, where he was taught by Gregory
Crewdson, Foglia bought a camper van and set off with his camera and a few
necessities on the thousand-mile drive to the Appalachians. "Photography for
me," he says, "is a mechanism to learn about things. I wanted to see
if I could find the absolute, if there were communities or individuals who
lived off the grid and were wholly self-sufficient." (Read further: Source)
* Facebook: National-Anarchist
Movement (N-AM)