Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Solar growth doubles renewable installations in South West of England

A new report published today shows that renewable capacity in the South West has more than doubled over the last year.

The 'Renewable Energy Progress Report' published by Regen SW, shows that renewable electricity capacity increased by 142 percent in the region, from 217MW in 2010/11 to 525MW in 2011/12. 

As the table above shows, the explosive growth was mostly driven by solar PV, which accounted for 237MW of all new renewable capacity in the South West during 2011/12. Small-scale solar dominated the installation market, representing 160MW of installed capacity, with large-scale solar parks adding a further 75MW of capacity to the area.

The report notes that the first half of 2011 saw “great interest from nation and international developers in large scale solar parks in the South West due to the feed-in tariff.” However, applications dramatically stopped in Spring 2011, when a fast-tracked FiT review dramatically slashed the applicable large scale FiT rate. The report states: “Before the change came into effect over 20 solar farms were deployed, adding 75 MW to the region’s total capacity. The number of applications for solar parks is now increasing again, as costs have dropped and projects are becoming financially viable using support from the ROCs regime. Solar parks are likely to be a major part of the 2012/2013 renewable electricity figures.” (Read further: Source)
