Wednesday, 15 August 2012

GM wheat to be trialled in UK this Spring

Protesters are preparing to demonstrate as the UK government give go ahead to Rothamsted Research Centre to trial genetically modified wheat.

Rothamsted Research Centre has been given the go-ahead by the government to trial aphid-resistant wheat in the open air. Permission has been given for planting this Spring and in Spring 2013. £1.28 million of public money has gone into creating a crop modified to secrete a hormonal chemical compound which acts an alarm signal to keep aphids away and attracts aphid predators to the crop.

Bakers, farmers, growers, allotment holders, scientists, beekeepers, and people concerned about food are turning out to voice their opposition to GM crops coming back to the UK. There is to be a public mass action against the Rothamsted genetically modified wheat trial on Sunday 27th May 2012 at 12 noon at Rothamsted, Harpenden, Hertfordshire.  (Read further: Source)
