Tuesday 20 August 2013

Chicken McNuggets contain mysterious fibers, hair-like structures

See video below.

Today we announce the first investigation conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Laboratory, the new science-based research branch of Natural News where we put foods under the microscope and find out what's really there.

Earlier today I purchased a 10-piece Chicken McNuggets from a McDonald's restaurant in Austin, Texas. Under carefully controlled conditions, I then examined the Chicken McNuggets under a high-powered digital microscope, expecting to see only processed chicken bits and a fried outer coating.

But what I found instead shocked even me. I've seen a lot of weird stuff in my decade of investigating foods and nutrition, but I never expected to find this...

Strange fibers found embedded inside Chicken McNuggets

As the following photos show, the Chicken McNuggets were found to contain strange fibers that some people might say even resemble so-called "Morgellon's."

We found dark black hair-like structures sticking out of the nugget mass, as well as light blue egg-shaped structures with attached tail-like hairs or fibers.

These are shown in extreme detail in the photos below, taken on August 15, 2013 at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. The actual Chicken McNugget samples used in these photos have been frozen for storage of forensic evidence.

We also found odd red coloring splotches in several locations, as well as a spherical green object that resembles algae.

We are not claiming or implying that these objects in any way make McDonald's Chicken McNuggets unsafe to consume. We do, however, believe that this visual evidence may warrant an FDA investigation into the ingredient composition of Chicken McNuggets.

In particular, where are the hair-like structures coming from? This is especially important to answer, given that chickens do not have hair. Is there cross-species contamination in the processing of Chicken McNuggets? This question needs to be answered. 

Microscopic photos reveal an alien-like landscape with weird shapes and fibers

Here are the some of the photos from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab:


More images of the first round of forensic photos can be viewed here.


More Chicken McNugget 'strange fiber' photos released by Natural News Forensic Food Labs

UPDATE: Natural News has now released a second round of "mysterious fiber" photos of Chicken McNuggets, in addition to the photos you see below.

More microscopic photos of the "mysterious fibers" found in McDonald's Chicken McNuggets have been released by the Natural News Forensic Food Lab. The forensic microscopy investigation was conducted by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, using clean laboratory protocols.

These new photos, shown below, appear to depict microscopic hairs, fibers or strands of varying colors and shades throughout the McDonald's Chicken McNugget samples. All the following photos were taken at 200X magnification. The hair-like fibers you see here are much smaller than a human hair or animal hair (see comparison below). The Chicken McNuggets were purchased on August 15, 2013 at a McDonald's restaurant in Austin, Texas.

Natural News broke the story yesterday about mysterious fibers found in Chicken McNuggets, and the story has been covered by www.DrudgeReport.com www.InfoWars.com and thousands of other websites across the 'net.

"These microscopic images of strange fibers in Chicken McNuggets do not mean they are unsafe to consume," reiterates Mike Adams, who led the microscopy research project. "But they do raise many questions about the origin of the ingredients used in Chicken McNuggets, and they possibly raise red flags about quality control procedures used in the manufacture of this popular fast food."

There has been a wave of public speculation (see comments, below) about whether these fibers are related to a mysterious condition known as "Morgellon's," which also appears to involve the presence of strange, unexplained fibers in humans. You can see examples of Morgellon's morphology here.

Here are the new images just released by the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, with notations.

This black strand appears to be a multi-fibrous "tangle" of unknown origin:

This is one of the more mysterious fibers we've found. Notice that the semi-transparent fiber appears to have a "sheath" surrounding the center portion of the fiber. This seems to indicate the likelihood of a biological origin:

Here's another black fiber "tangle." We found these frequently as we searched through several Chicken McNuggets.

For comparison, we added a dog hair fiber to this slide so that you can see the size difference. The large brown hair arcing across the entire frame is a dog hair. The much smaller black hair-like fiber is what we found in a Chicken McNugget:

Here is an extreme close-up of a black fiber we managed to remove from a Chicken McNugget. Notice that it appears to be segmented. This may indicate it could be made of biological cells connected end to end:

Here are some additional fibers and hair-like structures we found in McDonald's Chicken McNuggets. All images are at 200X magnification:

 For more images of the second round of forensic photos please see here.

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