Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Road to Self-Sufficiency

AS you well know, in Soria province there resides our comrade Fernando, Arevaco Uxama, the man who founded and who runs a self-sufficient food bank with the unconditional collaboration of his family and the occasional help of comrades and friends who visit this place and who help with many of the activities, as required, like this weekend’s harvesting task.

A group from the Iberian N-AM section travelled to the north of Soria and enjoyed a great weekend away from the big cities, its rush, its pollution, degradation, decadence and degeneration and have worked on the task of harvesting, in addition to knowing and walking around the area, breathing the fresh and clean air, experiencing the different and varied gardens and the charm with which the people and the region welcomed us.

With this article, in addition to showing how our work continues, the natural environment around our site and other orchards, we serve to encourage all our members, supporters, and in general all young rebels (and not so young) to work the land and involve themselves with nature and the magic that this will offer in return, while you feel, if not entirely, a little closer and far more freedom away from the trash and stench from capitalist exploitation, the big cities, and all the misery, corruption, drugs, alcohol, pollution, shallow trends and junk food. In any town or city there are hundreds of plots in a state of total abandonment and from "zero” local food independence can become possible. We encourage you, for example, to go to your parents, grandparents and use the acres of fertile soil in which to sow the seeds of freedom.

We wish to report that Arevaco will be sure to extend its food-producing independence by extending its activities into a neighbouring field, and to inform you that comrades of the Province of Madrid have achieved the same thing in the mountains of nearby Guadalajara. W will keep you updated about the militants of Iberian National-Anarchism and their activities.

Land-Community- Identity-Freedom! Land for those who work it!