Wednesday, 31 August 2016
Over the last few years, National-Anarchists have built up a good following on the internet and we now have a strong presence and a principled reputation. We also have some very good activists around the world who have taken part in demonstrations, propaganda exercises, regional meetings and cultural events. However, now that thousands of people have joined our Facebook groups and read about our ideas and activities, perhaps even joining in the discussion, it is now time for some of you to think about ways that you can help promote the National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM) in your own areas. We need people who are prepared to act as regional contact points, to start up co-operatives and box-vegetable schemes, invent alternative currencies and black markets, run home-schooling networks and form music projects, establish regular study groups and poetry clubs, and begin self-defence and survivalist groups. It is time to take things to the next level and to do that we need YOUR help. If you want to turn ideas into reality, then please get in touch.