In Memory of Muammar al-Qadhafi
by Sean Jobst
October 20, 2016
by Sean Jobst
October 20, 2016
this day five years ago, 20th October 2011, Libyan leader Muammar
al-Qadhafi was brutally murdered by a fanatical mob of Wahhabi
barbarians, who were armed and financed by the governments and
intelligence agencies of the U.S., Israel, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia
and Qatar, in a phony "revolution" financed by the "Open Society"
networks of billionaire financier George Soros through the phony
"humanitarian" interventionism of "Avaaz", along with the Zionist-Neocon
Bernard Henri-Levy. And this slaughter under the guise of "human
rights" was eagerly pushed by the Obama Administration and Clinton's
State Department, complete with cheerleaders from both political parties
and including even oligarchs as varied as Trump. Mercenaries were found
from among extremist Wahhabis and backed by the different branches of
the Muslim Brotherhood, to form this new phony army of
"revolutionaries". Even Russia, Iran and Hezbollah were complicit in the
bombing of Libya and the overthrow of Qadhafi.
Why was Qadhafi overthrown and murdered? Because under his reign Libya
was absolutely Debt-Free. He kept the vast gold resources of Libya
within Libya, not making the same mistake as other countries in handing
it over to private international banks in New York or Geneva where they
quickly "disappear". The international bankers had absolutely no control
over the economy of debt-free Libya, and its a telling fact that the
first act of the rebels in their new state in Benghazi was to establish a
central bank open up to private banking interests for a looters'
free-for-all. After his death, the previous prosperity of Libya sunk
into a new state where feuding warlords and fanatic religious extremist
gangs run the show, where the women rights guaranteed and protected by
Qadhafi are now in full decline, where tribal and ethnic minorities are
once again being persecuted.
Qadhafi was overthrown and murdered because he was harnessing the water
resources deep under the desert into a monumental project called the
Man-Made River. This was itself a model for the "Third World," but
another was his efforts to institute a debt-free, commodity-based
currency across all of Africa. This was a threat to the control of the
IMF, World Bank and Multi-National-Corporations, whose control is based
on crippling entire nations with the compound-interest loans, and
looting the natural resources - including even something as basic as
water - through "privatization" which is a primary condition of these
loans, themselves sold to these nations through the false euphemism
Geopolitically, he was able to deconstruct the same political events in
this world that look one way on the outside, but when you truly examine
them you see a very different reality. He was able to see the financial
interests and globalist think-tanks orchestrating so many of these
phony "revolutions" and rebellions. The world is now facing the
consequences, as it was the same rebel groups backed against him in
Libya, that were soon after sent and turned against Syria, and these
formed the nucleus of ISIS. He walked in that Arab League hall and spoke
truth after the hanging of Saddam Hussein, telling other Arab leaders
they would be next, only to be laughed at by those without his
And Europe itself is facing the consequences of the bombings against
Libya, with the current Zionist/Globalist-engineered migration crisis
into Europe, itself the stated goal of certain anti-European,
mostly-Jewish social-engineers for the Kalergi Plan, combined with the
results and blowback of the Neocon/Neoliberal bombings and invasions of
countries across the Middle East, Northern Africa and Central Asia. His
murder caused many of the Africans living in Libya to flee for their
lives, as the Wahhabi and tribalist mobs were whipped up into an
anti-Black racism that even led them to murder indigenous blacks of
Fezzan. He knew that Globalism ultimately wants to destroy and eradicate
all cultures and ethnicities into some global state where we are all
reduced to economic identities with some vague consumer/debt-based
No politicians are completely free from excesses, but one thing that is
very clear is under him Libya was a very prosperous country. Education,
health, literacy, personal income - all of Libya's high standards were
beacons not only for Africa but for the entire "Third World." Women had
so many rights and their rights protected by Qadhafi. In his character,
he was far more humble, accessible and honorable than all the gangs of
political and media criminals who slandered him. As a political
philosopher, he had much wisdom about the Global system and
parliamentary politics. The world made a huge mistake and a crime when
it overthrew and allowed the mob to brutalize and murder Muammar
al-Qadhafi like barbarians. Justice is ultimately served and everyone
will answer for their crimes.
"The most tyrannical dictatorships the world has known have existed under the aegis of parliaments." - Muammar al-Qadhafi (1942-2011)