The Oligarchy's Staged Hillary/Trump Charade
by Sean Jobst
October 12, 2016
WikiLeaks recently uncovered an email from April 2015, which seems to expose how the Donald Trump phenomenon
was actually much promoted by Hillary Clinton. "We need to be elevating
the Pied Piper candidates so that they are leaders of the pack and tell
the press to [take] them seriously," wrote Clinton's campaign chairman
John Podesta.
naming Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson as the three "Pied Piper"
candidates, Podesta also wrote: "In this scenario, we don't want to
marginalize the more extreme candidates, but make them more 'Pied Piper'
candidates who actually represent the mainstream of the Republican
information is significant for two reasons, both examples of the staged
charade called the two-party presidential election: First, those who
are Trump supporters and like to pretend their candidate is somehow
"anti-Establishment" and "persecuted" by the media, when it was the
media that promoted him and gave him all this publicity in the first
place. Second, those who are Hillary supporters because they are more
offended by Trump's words than Hillary's actual policies, should realize
the Trump spectre was largely created by their own presidential
campaign to begin with. Both groups who buy into "lesser of two evils"
should realize they're ALL being played for fools in this entire charade
staged by the Oligarchy.
familiar with Public Relations would know that any publicity is
ultimately good publicity. This may sound strange except for those who
recognize just how the game IS staged. The masses are polarized into two
competing factions, obviously controlled by the same financial and
special interests at the top (i.e. the intersecting power-elites of
Zionism/AIPAC, Wall Street/international banking houses, the
Military-Industrial-Complex, Globalist secret societies, and their
neocon/neoliberal think-tank fronts).
no accident that Public Relations really took off when corporations
hired Edward Bernays, nephew of the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud.
PR is psychology, and the strategies created by presidential campaigns
are no exception. Neither is anything which the mainstream media
"reports" on or covers; ALL is calculated and staged for certain ends,
intended to set up the discourse to which one or the other side react in
different ways.
majority of the mainstream media clearly prefers Hillary Clinton, no
doubt about that. But that doesn't mean they really fear Trump, whom
they frame as the "opposition." The entire discourse which has been
framed by the MSM is one of two "choices", around which the people are
conditioned to rally around either because they like one or they hate or
fear the other.
Trump campaign has been made by the MSM, simply because it compelled
him out of nowhere in politics and gave him 24/7 media coverage as the
mirror to Hillary. Controlling the discourse, they then make
carefully-calculated and timed attacks of Trump so those on that side
can then rally more around their "anti-establishment" candidate, even
though they wouldn't even know of his "opposition" to the
"establishment" which is Hillary except from what they're even told by
the MSM discouse in the first place.
Trump is only too happy to play along, as he laid out in his book, The
Art of the Deal: "One thing I've learned about the press is they're
always hungry for a good story, and the more sensational, the better.
It's in the nature of the job, and I understand that. The point is that
if you are a little different, or a little outrageous, or if you do
things that are bold or controversial, the press is going to write about
you. I've always done things a little differently. I don't mind
controversy, and my deals tend to be somewhat ambitious. The result is
that the press has always wanted to write about me."
the scenes, while their groups of followers and fans may fight and
argue against each other, the likes of Trump and the Clintons are
actually quite close with each other - laughing it up in their
oligarchic cackles at the naivete of the masses who keep falling for the
very same game every four years, and then wonder why things keep
getting worse and the status quo remains the same. As it relates to
these two political clowns, the record is there for anyone with a mind
and common-sense:
1999, President Bill Clinton appointed Donald Trump's sister, Judge
Maryanne Trump Barry, to a U.S. Court of Appeals. The Clintons were
honored guests at Trump's wedding to Melania on his Palm Beach, Florida
compound in 2005. According to The Clinton Foundation's own records,
Donald Trump has donated at least $100,000 to this non-profit he now
attacks; he also has donated to Hillary's senate and presidential
campaigns. (< donald-trump-hillary-clinton- bill-history-1.3393395>)
2008, Trump told CNN: "Hillary's a great friend of mine. Her husband is
a great friend of mine. They're fantastic people. She's a very nice
woman, and he's a very nice guy." (< Nbm3ZmoF-6k>)
wrote in a blog post on his "TrumpUniversity" site, dated March 13,
2008: "I know Hillary and I think she'd make a great President or
Vice-President." He followed this up with an October 2013 interview on
the Larry King show: "I know her very well. They're members of my club,
and I like both of them very much, and he was with you one time and he
said he likes me. And I do like him." (< 12/donald-trump-hillary-bill- clinton-relationship-217191>).
is in addition to the "friendly" telephone conversation between Trump
and Bill Clinton in May 2015, just weeks before he announced his run for
the presidency. (< politics/bill-clinton-called- donald-trump-ahead-of- republicans-2016-launch/2015/ 08/05/e2b30bb8-3ae3-11e5-b3ac- 8a79bc44e5e2_story.html>)
addition, Trump shares many of the same corrupt links to Bill Clinton,
which reveal some about the entire game and the REAL powers behind the
thrones, links that include the infamous NYC real-estate mogul Larry
Silverstein (<http://crimesofzion. silverstein-and-911.html>)(<ht tps:// OBcU4GPNn_o>) and convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein (< both-trump-and-clinton-went- jeffrey-epsteins-sex-amanda- prestigiacomo>).