by Welf Herfurth
When one travels there is a lot of time spent thinking while on long transits between cities and places. Personal things and also the odd political thought. And while I was on a bus traveling in Argentina, I saw a news clip about ISIS, who are currently marauding through the Middle East. Somehow their actions and belief system looked familiar. And then it came to me; they are just like the Anti-Fascist groups, also known as Antifa, that terrorise everybody they believe is a fascist in the western world.
Having had personal experience with these so called “defenders of democracy”, it is actually amazing the extent to which the tactics, rhetoric and belief system of these two groups are identical. So let’s have a closer look at these two groups and their actions.
The ISIS fighters believe, like Antifa, that they have the moral high ground when it comes what is right and what is wrong. And whatever is not right in their eyes has to be fought and destroyed. While the ISIS believes in a rather obscure interpretation of the Koran, Antifa believes in a rather obscure interpretation of democracy. Both groups are righteous and fanatical in upholding what they think is right. And whatever doesn’t fit in their dogmatic box has to be eliminated.
ISIS fights a brutal war against the non-believers, beheading people by the hundreds, enslaving and selling women, and killing others by the thousands. We all saw the clips where they themselves celebrate and promote those kinds of activities. Slogans like “Kill all infidels”, “Destroy Democracy”, etc., are well known to be spread by them. All in the name of Allah and his prophets.
Now Antifa might not kill people by the thousands, but I know many political activists that have been beaten and, yes, killed by Antifa activists. Even more notable are their threats, which are an indication of their fanaticism - threats of violence to, and the destruction of property of the people that they deem to be fascists. And all this they promote and celebrate in video clips that everybody can access on the web. Equally, you can have a look at the Antifa slogans like “Death to Nazis”, “Smash Fascists”, “Destroy Racism”, etc. While they are all only slogans, you might think, the truth is that they are not just slogans for Antifa activists but a call to action!
Just recently I received a photo from a comrade that shows a mannequin's head that was covered in red paint and had my name on it, send by the Antifa in Sydney. While this is a juvenile, and I think rather funny thing for Antifa to have done, it also indicates what I might expect should I meet them in person; they want to inflict as much bodily harm on me as possible. What's more, activists around the world are threatened every day by Antifa with violence and death threats. And these are not just threats, because I know they are actually carried out all too regularly in reality.
Just recently Antifa put up posters around the Sydney area which state that certain suburbs are “Racist Free Zones”, and that they are controlling the areas to make sure that this is so. One doesn’t have to imagine what would happen if a so-called Nazi fell into their hands... This action of claiming areas and declaring them Antifa-controlled zones is nothing new; it has been happening all over Europe and America since the 1970’s. Now, taking a look at Islamic State and their fighters, one can see that they are doing exactly the same thing, just on a bigger scale and with more brutality. The ISIS controlled areas in the Middle East are spreading, and anything and everything that doesn’t fit into their way of thinking is destroyed or killed. In principle, what ISIS and Antifa are promoting and practising is exactly the same! These are just two of the many similarities between the two groups. While the ISIS is a recent development, Antifa has been around for much longer. But both are intolerant and fanatical in their beliefs to a point where they do not hesitate to harm or even kill people, and destroy symbols and property that they deem to be against their faith. One might argue that ISIS is more dangerous and violent than Antifa; I argue that it not the scale that matters, but the thoughts and actions of these two groups.
Now, I know that the Antifa activists who read this believe that they are doing the world a favour by fighting racism and Nazis; just as the ISIS fighters believe that they are doing the right thing. So I feel rather sorry for them, because they are slaves to their dogmatic thinking and are, in my opinion at least, nothing but a cult. They are both a brainwashed and righteous people who claim to be against something, and both are very willing to put their twisted thoughts into action.
Think about it and act accordingly.